Voice Tips:
Losing your voice, or damaging your vocal cords is no fun.
As a professional voice instructor, I just want to drop 3 tips to my friends about good singing during the Holidays because cold weather and dry air are not friends to the singer!
1. Drink lots of hydrating fluids like Klarbrunn, and warm liquids (not hooch...that drys you out!)
2. Warm up your voice K? How about a few yawn-sighs, and some do-re-mi's for awhile. Wear a scarf like Josh Grobin does.
3. Mic yourselves right. Don't strain at the bit, and make sure your sound guy (yes, even if the sound guy is you) turns up the gain on your voice amp. No shouting...unless you do it properly supported and your vocalis muscles are sturdy, strong and well-rested!
That's it for now. Any questions or comments...I'm happy to help.
Who doesn't want to be a rock and roll star with a record contract..so singers take great care of your voices!