On 12. 21. 06 Molly wrote
I was thinking tonight of the appeal of American Idol, the TV Show.
One thing we see in our American Icons such as Elvis, and Bob Dylan, or Judy Garland is that those artists are not just singers, they are venerated as American Idols.
If you want to go straight up as an artist then you should learn your music and work hard and go on American Idol.
As a singer-songwriter and singing teacher I am not surprised with the success of American Idol. I mean, as a little kid growing up in Toronto in the sixties I was hooked on a popular Sunday afternoon show called, "Tiny Talent Time." Does anyone remember that show?
It was sweet. It was exciting. It was NOT the gong show. If you've got the guts, make a bold move and head on over to your nearest metropolis and audition for "American Idol," but if you fail please don't give up your dream, it is closer to reality than you think.
Wanna get knocked down? Go to Music school.
I went through the College way of becoming a singer...facing the dreaded GENERAL RECITAL once a week where you sat in front of your peers and singing instructor, who each volunteered their critique of your singing. Believe me, it was a lot worse than American Idol because you weren't just being critcized by a panel of official artists or producers in front of people who could actually help your career, but you were criticized by your peers and instructor who did little for you except tell you how you sucked. Why did their views matter so much to me back then? I mean, it made me feel inadequate enough being judged by my instructor, but getting the disapproval of my fellow students hurt.
Nevertheless, the comments were meant to help! It was hard to accept it. It was difficult, and they told you what you wouldn't hear from fam and friends. They spoke their thoughts.
It did teach me the musical development life can be cold, cruel and ego-bashing, alright, but that is really the way it goes.
Sonny Boy and I have been performing at independent living and assisted-living, nursing homes, and special homes lately. Do you think it is easy for the employees there to deal with the irritable sick and aged? They say things just as bad as celebrity judges, and they say them to nice people with talent and kindness. Not folks starving for attention with intonation problems, and weak pipes.
You know who needs to be celebrated now don't you? Those healthcare workers.
American Idol just tells me what I think is clearly the choice of each singer going in for that competition, if you are going to take your best shot be prepared to feel your worst and if you can just suck it up and look good maybe you will win the opportunity of a lifetime, otherwise, stay home and be like the kids I went to college went, armchair critics, and don't embarrass yourself.
If you want to toughen your hide then work with some crabby folks. They will verbally abuse you and you'll say, "Ah well, what can you do?" Smile and decide to progress in your career.
One thing about respect, you must respect your artistry and seek the honest truth. Critics do matter. However, never, ever, ever give up!
Just take it from there and continue your musical and artistic development. Also, if you arn't too nervous, if you are starving for attention, if you know inside you have obvious celebrity potential along with great musical talent and you feel you can survive the trial by fire of American Idol auditions you may just have the chance of a lifetime.
Those people on "American Idol" are like my peers and me in the Vocal Music Dept., they are there because they want to be.