Watch Molly and Sonny Boy Vodcast Podcast

The Grocery Fool Rap, by Molly and Sonny Boy

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Attention-Deficit Song

With the warmer weather Molly and Sonny Boy want to do everything from clean the house, to plant the garden, sell a house, record an album, to maintaining their sanity.
It's hard with attention-deficit and if you want to see Molly and Sonny Boy performt a great song for free on A.D.D. watch this:

You may buy the song professionally recorded right here:

Attention-Deficit Disorder Blues(multimedia download)
From $1.24
A song about the difficulties of having Attention-Deficit disorder. Enjoy this number and share it with your friends.

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We have a podshow you can watch on line right here: Molly and Sonny Boy VodCast-PodCast Hurdy-Gurdy Girls: Episode 8